Thanks Theo!!

I could not be more thrilled and honored that Curious George chose “Goodnight, Goodnight, Construction Site” pajamas this evening. 😮Brand crossover opportunity? 🤔 Perhaps…

Thank you to Theo for assisting with the wardrobe choice and to Theo’s mommy for sending the photo!

Meet my new friend

Meet my new friend, 794. 👊🏻

I wasn’t allowed to operate her (about once a month, I scrape the side mirror of my minivan on the garage, so this was a wise decision on CAT’s part) but I DID get a ride! 🙌🏻


My latest “big machine” obsession: HELICOPTERS. 🚁 I simply cannot describe how AMAZING they are: The incredible engineering that allows them to do what they do, their ability, the unbelievable skill of the pilots… I’m awestruck — and counting the hours until I get the chance to go up again. 💫 THIS is what has inspired me to write my next picture book series, “Roto and Roy Helicopter Heroes.” I hope fans of my bestselling truck and train books will check it out. I’m eager to hear your thoughts!

Thanks to the Bookstall

Thank you to the Book Stall, for supporting my books for the last decade or so. I’m beyond-grateful. ❤️ (And, ok, had I thought about it, I would have dressed better. But it was Saturday. And cold outside. And, it was Saturday. Did I mention that it was Saturday?)


BOOKSELLERS, Don Tate and I are signing a few hundred bookplates for “Roto and Roy, Helicopter Heroes.” PM or comment below if you’d like some sent! 🚁💫