Great Letter

I just opened this. ✉️ It came in the mail, sent to my home, with no return address.

I’ll be honest, I’m pretty anxious about a new series; the first book is debuting tomorrow.

Ok, frankly, I’m a nervous wreck.

But this… THIS makes me step back and remember why we do what we do, and how much I love my job and how much I love the amazing people with whom I’m blessed to work. And the fans? That’s totally the best part.

So, thank you SO MUCH, Henry. Wherever you are.

I really needed this today. ❤

Roto and Roy

Who IS this strong, handsome guy???!!! Why, it’s PILOT ROY THUNDER, one half of the superhero duo of Roto and Roy! (Ok, and … the OTHER strong, handsome guy is Don Tate, the awesome illustrator of our new picture book series. Not to be confused with the pilot superhero. Don is the one in the red shirt. On the right. With the baseball hat.)

Happy Valentine's Day!

I’m not nearly as excited about Valentine’s Day as I am that: FINALLY THE CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS ARE DOWN! 🙌🏻 (Ok, admittedly, not the outdoor ones… but it’s been REALLY COLD outside. 🤷🏻‍♀️🥶) PS: That last one… only a mom could find that beautiful, right? Because: I totally do!


Mochi pancakes with grilled pineapple and coconut syrup. 🌴 Best eaten outdoors, under a palm tree. But, you know, it’s 16° F here… 🤷🏻‍♀️

Incredible Food

This whole trip has been filled with food trucks, local hangouts and off-the-beaten-path finds; it’s been amazing and SO fun.

Simply grilled FRESH (!) mahi-mahi on brown rice. My fave meal on Kauai — I had it twice! About $15. Strip mall restaurant. Order at the counter (super-nice, helpful people) and take a seat outside. @coconutsfishcafekauai

Choice of two hikes...

Our guide gave us a choice of two hikes. I’m grateful for whatever moment of clarity made my son pick this “less hazardous” option, because there were several times on this trail when I honestly thought, “If I slip right now, I’ll fall to my death.”

BUT, from this walkway at the top (with a 3,000-foot drop on either side 😳), we could see three separate waterfalls and the most unimaginable beauty.

We returned tired, filthy, scratched up, hungry — and so joyful. 🙌🏻