Another Star!

LπŸ‘€K! We got another star!!! πŸ­πŸ“š
⭐️ Publishers Weekly, starred review!
⭐️ Kirkus, starred review!
⭐️ Booklist, starred review!

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For Fans...

For my little truck-loving fans, @diggersanddozers is an awesome Instagram page! (You can also SUBSCRIBE to them on YouTube.) I watch their videos with my morning juice box β€” er, I mean coffee. πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈ

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Dreaming about....

I own WAAAY too many dishes (inherited pieces, antique collections, impulse buys...!). Fantasizing about how lovely it would be to have beautiful storage like this... (Pinterest sucked me in!)

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St. Charles Public Library

St. Charles Public Library--St. Charles, IL

March 9 at 10:17 AM Β·

Sherri Dusky Rinker, local St. Charles resident and author of the ever-popular GOODNIGHT, GOODNIGHT, CONSTRUCTION SITE, will visit us on Zoom on Wednesday, April 7, 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. She will discuss her writing, read from her books, discuss upcoming releases, and follow up with Q&A session. Don't miss this exciting event! Register at

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Tear-and-share pull-apart bread

This bread (a tear-and-share pull-apart bread, inspired by the British baking show) β€” with pepperoni, Parmesan, pesto and marinara β€” was supposed to accompany dinner. But I was so tired once I pulled it out of the oven, I declared, β€œThis IS dinner!”

(I’ll serve a salad or something with it. Maybe.)

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Unspeakable The Tulsa Race Massacre

I try to buy as many picture books as I can β€” to support my industry and my fellow authors and illustrators. But, I don’t often buy THREE of them. This one is important. It’s sad that I was in MY FIFTIES before I was aware of this dark piece of history. As I am learning, I want the next generation to be educated in ways I was not.

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So Sweet

Thank you to awesome-mom and book-loving-Instagrammer @shegabsaboutbooks for this darling photo and lovely post. 😘❀️
We are starting the month off with our new favorite bedtime story, It’s So Quiet by Sherri Duskey Rinker. With these 2, it’s anything but quiet in my house, so this adorable & silly story is perfect for us.

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