
This is Caleb, with his little sister, Hannah.
Over the weekend, I received a FB message from their mom, thanking me for my books. And, I just CAN’T EVEN begin to offer enough prayers to this family or to thank The Lord enough for the blessing of my job.
PS: Shared with the permission of their amazing mom, Naomi. PM me for a link for updates and/or to provide support.

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Thanks to Briggs Racing!

Ohmigosh! SO excited to be scrolling on Insta this morning and see... “HEY! That’s MY kid! 😲”Thank you to Briggs And Stratton’s racing page @racebriggs for lighting up my morning! Lots of racing families in the cold Midwest looking forward to getting back on the tracks this spring (including a few nervous mamas; note the telltale signs of rubbing and bumping on that side 😧)! 🏎🏁❤️

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Time to Decorate!

I needed to feel a little festive on a cold, gray, wintery day. I pulled out an old tablecloth, my mother’s silverware and these antique dishes. (Roses were on sale at the grocery store, $9.99 a dozen; I treated myself to three! 🤷🏻‍♀️🌹💝)

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Trouble Remembering

I was trying to think of the word “pagoda.” (💁🏻‍♀️ Long story, but it had to do with a biscuit structure created by one of the contestants in the British Baking Show. ) I came up with “pergola,” which I knew wasn’t right. Had to Google: Japanese, structure, building, church.” Ahh: found it! (But, seriously?! How long can I still blame the pandemic for this sort of stuff?!)

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Super Excited to Announce!

I’m SUPER-EXCITED to announce our next collaboration! 📚 🎉 Have you ever stood beside a tractor 🚜, or watched them at work on a farm? — SO much power, so many AWESOME attachments to do the jobs! Have you ever seen a combine harvester, running though the fields?! Oh my word! Amazing! HUGE! LOUD! 😲 I’m hoping to capture some of the LOVE that I have for these vehicles AND the admiration that I have for farm life and the farmers that bring food to our tables. 🌱 ☀️ 🌧 🌾

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Rainbows were a recurring theme for me yesterday; I kept seeing them — that ancient, biblical symbol of promise, love and trust between God and humanity. “The storm is passed.”

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Sweet Girl

She was sick this morning — she vomited, refused food and water and would ask to go out just to lick a little snow and lie down on the porch. She came in and snuggled with us on the couch most of the day, trembling. 🥺 She’s 13. I really thought we might be seeing the end. 😢 My 15 yo does not even remember life without her. 💔 Finally, she drank water. A short bit later, she saw my husband eating pizza and was suddenly back to her annoying, begging, barking, bouncing self. 🐶 ❤️ Tonight, I’m so relieved. I’m grateful for our sweet, loyal girl — and for her deep devotion to pepperoni 🍕 pizza.

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Thanks Super Mom

Thank you to supermom Aimee @keepabookout for allowing me to post this sweet video of her 2.5yo little truck-loving reader with Kid McGear! ❤️

“But the big trucks start to cheer, to show their thanks for Kid McGear! They shout three times — ‘Hip-hip-hooray! Kid McGear just saved the day!’ 🎉 Please don’t go, Kid. We hope... you’ll stay? 🚧 Now Kid McGear has joined the crew. Five old friends and someone new!” (Crane Truck, Kid McGear, Bulldozer, Cement Mixer, Excavator, Dump Truck!) 🚧 “SIX friends in the construction yard, big and small, all working hard..each one greater than they seem, because they’re working as a team.” 👊🏻

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Best Review!

Best review EVER!!! Thank you to supermom Sarah for sending and allowing me to post these videos! And, thank you to Cyrus, for his insightful commentary. ⬅️ “Look it: all the trucks! There’s one dump truck. Where Kid McGear? Kid McGear there, Excavator, Front End Loader, and there’s Dump Truck! Front Loader. Dumpety-dump and right back in Dump Truck!” ❤️🚧 Construction Site Mission: Demolition!

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Fan Message

Off-topic: I received a message from a fan this morning. Being a picture book author, it’s the first fan note I’ve ever received that was not written in crayon, translated by a parent. 😁

So, thank you, Brandon, for brightening my day. ❤️

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