National Book Festival

I just (just!) returned from ALA in Washington, DC with many of these incredibly talented authors and illustrators. And, we’re heading back in just a few weeks — The fun begins on August 31st! 🤗❤️📚

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So Honored

Honored to lead off the children’s section of Chronicle Books’ fall frontlist catalog with my awesome, talented friends, Ethan Long and AG Ford.

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Thanks Dad!

For most of my life, my dad has been both a dad AND a mom to me. For all of those fathers who, for whatever reasons, have had to step up and play both rolls: Happy Fathers Day. ❤️

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Bigger Garage?

Sometimes, at the end of a long day on the road, you just want to play in an excavator. Because... you can. 🚧 Babe, I think we’re going to need a bigger garage. 🤔

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Convo with a 7-year-old, posted by a very close family friend. I LOVE THIS! Seriously: How can you NOT laugh???!!! 😂❤️

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Beautiful Yellow Peony

Five years ago, I planted a yellow peony bush. For THREE YEARS, it was a flowerless shrub. Last year: three flowers! 😊 This year, FIVE buds, AND the first has opened! 🤗 (Yes, I realize that I sound insane. Just humor me.)

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Leftover Mulch??

Filthy but happy. My neighbor had some leftover mulch. Not being one to turn down a deal, I decided this was a good opportunity to clean up all of the edging around my garden beds and walkways. FOR. THREE. DAYS. 😳. (In hindsight, I think I might have about a full mile of edging — but, mission complete. Although, I ran out of the free mulch on day 1, so I really haven’t figured out that part of the plan yet.) PS: Thumbs-up to Duluth Trading Company’s gardening overall shorts... which, my neighbors will be relieved to hear, are finally getting washed today. (Apparently, looking and smelling homeless is not good for property values. 🤷🏻‍♀️)

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Inspires me...

This girl inspires me, loves me unconditionally, knows all my secrets, loves my kids with her whole heart and makes me laugh until I cry. We have a long road behind us and, hopefully, a long, joyful road ahead. My only regret is that there are so many states separating me from her goofiness — and her pecan pie.

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