Beautiful Photos

My 18yo son casually shot these photos this past weekend with his iPhone and a special lens. I love that he is interested in stopping to look closely at things. 📷 🍃

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Grateful for our church, sending its graduating seniors into the world with support, love, bountiful blessings and prayers. ❤️ I was honored (and a bit emotional!) to read “Celebrate You” during the children’s message

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Love It

When your love of a clever idea meets your love of Harry Potter... voila! Here’s what to do with the space under the stairs! (‘ kinda partial to the wine storage, but it’s been a long week.)

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Camp Tiger

onjures up the same kind of emotions as The Polar Express — as it reminds us that summer must end, little boys grow up, the ease of childhood gives way to more serious matters and, always, despite how badly we don’t want to let go, time marches on. 🐅 🐅 🐅.

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Meet Poet Julia

This is Julia. We spent some time together in a writing workshop I led several weeks ago. She didn’t think she could “do” poetry, and then she blew me away with a poem titled, “Brown,” and some of the most poetic, lovely words I’ve ever encountered from a child that (or any) age. Today, she sent me a new poem and some artwork she did to accompany the words. She has the poetry “bug.” 🥰 Agents/editors: I’m pretty sure we’ll be seeing special things from this brilliant, sensitive young lady. I’m excited and honored to have played a tiny part in that. ❤️ 📚 ✏️ 🎨

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Kid McGear

all, but she’s got it all! She is the big star of THREE CHEERS FOR KID MCGEAR, the new book in the Goodnight, Goodnight, Construction Site series, illustrated by the incredible A.G. Ford. Coming this September & available now for pre-order at and wherever books are sold! 🏗

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I just thought he (she?) was so perfect for this spot by my Little Free Library, I couldn’t stand it! I HAD to get it. 🐸 📚 Please humor me — it’s TOTALLY perfect, right?!

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Harsh Spring

I know y’all are sick-to-death of me complaining about the spring we’ve had (aka “Winter, The Sequel”), but seriously, look at my rhododendrons: Top photo, two years ago EXACTLY, bottom photo, THIS MORNING. 😞

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