
I met my first stuffed bagel in 2022, while dining with my fabulous friend and agent, Lori Kilkelly.

For those of you not yet acquainted, allow me to introduce you. 👋🏻 You’re welcome. Happy New Year! 🎉

(Btw, also lovely as a vegetarian option with grilled vegetables, spinach, goat cheese, etc. A tip: trim the BOTTOM of the bagel, so you get to keep the good bagel toppings.)

Happiest of Holidays!

Wishing you the happiest of holidays, wherever you are! And thank you to @tk_aboutbooks for this photo and post! • When a little booklover appears in the family, the holidays take on new colors, new content and new traditions. When war and blackout publishers translate and publish new Christmas books, it seems unfair not to buy them. When warriors at the cost of their lives make both the first and the second possible, it is impossible to give up and put life on pause. A book from my son's favorite series about "Little Construction" with cozy illustrations and a wonderful translation of the ducks, about Christmas holidays and the importance of relatives nearby. Wishing you a blessed Christmas! #constructionsite #тк_продитяче #tk_aboutbooks

Коли в родині з’являється маленький книголюб, то свята набувають нових фарб, нових змістів і нових традицій.
Коли видавництва під час війни і блекаутів перекладають і видають нові різдвяні книги, то здається несправедливим їх не купувати.
Коли воїни ціною своїх життів роблять можливим і перше, і друге, то неможливо опустити руки і поставити життя на паузу.

Книга з улюбленої серії сина про «Маленьке будівництво» із затишними ілюстраціями і чудовим перекладом віршика, про Різдвяні свята і про важливість рідних поруч.

Світлих Різдвяних свят!

#тк_прокниги #маленькебудівництво #моєбудівництво #дитячікнижки #дитячікниги #читай #читайукраїнською

Sisters book corner ....thank you!

Nicest review EVER from @sistersbookcorner !!!

Created for lovers of Goodnight, Goodnight, Construction Site, as well as fans of Sherri Duskey Rinker's storytelling and AG Ford's art, this beautiful holiday picture book shows Excavator, Bulldozer, Crane, Dump Truck and Cement Mixer building a new home for fire engines. As they finish their big, important job, they get their own Christmas surprises.
Your kids will have fun discovering the special surprise awaiting each vehicle as much as they will love rhyming along with the story. This cute book is sure to be a classic!

More books....of course!

You think we need one more…
📚Books… we just can’t seem to say “no”

Kids books are like an SLPs kryptonite… but like the very best kind 🤣❤️📚

We use them to teach pretty much anything to our clients! That’s why when you walk into TALK, you see our shelves filled with books! We LOVE this series, “Goodnight Goodnight, Construction Site” - and this book, “Construction Site on Christmas Night” is an excellent addition!

➡️ Tag an SLP who loves to buy ALL the books! You’re in good company here

#books #kidsbooks #christmasbooks #holidaybooks #slplife #speechlanguagepathologist #slpeeps #schoolslp #privatepracticeslp #morebooks

Kathryn Janicek - thanks!

So incredibly honored and flattered by this post from @kathrynjanicek . ❤️ I have been working with Kathryn on my presentation, public speaking and media skills, and I’ve learned SO MUCH. I cannot recommend her services highly enough. Authors, illustrators, PM me if you want more info!

Season's Greetings y'all!

I still love beautiful wax candles (!), but I’m a little smitten with these right now; I just love how clear and bright they are. (Also, these don’t smoke when I blow them out — bc I tend to set off the smoke detectors every night, 🤦🏻‍♀️ so, there’s that.)

Wishing you light and joy, wherever you find it. Season’s Greetings, y’all! ❤️❄️