What plans?

I’m supposed to be at my family’s lakeside cabin, celebrating a fun-filled Fourth holiday BIG with family and friends 🎇🎉… instead, I’m recovering from an emergency appendectomy. Bummer. 🤕❤️‍

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Garden Walk

Yesterday, a couple hundred people came through my gardens — and I realized that some people actually “get” me (even though said people are never my own family. 🤷🏻‍♀️ )!

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Roto and Roy!

Cover reveal of the first book in my newest series! 🚁🔥 Illustrated 🎨 by the incredible, amazing and award-winning @devas_t !!! 💫 Preorder TODAY from your favorite retailer! (FYI, @harveystales handles personalized, signed copies — shipped right to your door. 😊)

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Make me a home?

I was browsing a local nursery when I spotted this sweet little Japanese maple. And, she batted her long eyelashes, and begged to come home with me. “But, I have no place to put you,” I told her, sadly. 💦 “Then, perhaps you could simply carve out a lovely new garden bed — and make me a place?” And, so I did, and now we will live happily ever after.

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Well. It appears that one of my roses was in a rather foul mood this morning — and she did not appreciate my messing with her.

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First Flush of Roses...

The first flush of roses is my favorite, when each flower is in its perfect full glory, before any of them start to fade, or drop, or need dead-heading. 🌹 🥀 (foreground: coral Drift roses)

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In my mother's honor....

Creating this rose garden in my mother’s honor was a healing distraction. Now, our whole family calls it “Grandma’s garden,” and it gives me peace; my mom and I had a very complicated, often difficult relationship, but roses were something upon which we both agreed. 😊

When my mother passed, three lovely friends sent me rose bushes, and the Rose of Sharon in the foreground, which will burst with white flowers in a few weeks, is courtesy of my wonderful agent.)

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Lois Ehlert...forever her beautiful work and spirit will be a gift to me!

This is me, circa 2009-ish, with the incredible Lois Ehlert.

I was lucky enough to have met her twice. Here, the first time, I was crazy-gushing fan girl. I'm certain I may have scared her a little. (I will admit to having been this insane only four times in my life: When I met Kate DiCamillo, Katerine Applegate, Tony Diterlizzi [sorry again, Angela] and Lois!).

The second time, we presented at the same conference (unreal, right?!). During her presentation, she tried to talk a bit about "Hands," but her editor had to fill in the blanks when Lois became emotional — because the book was both a tribute to and a poignant reminder of Lois' parents. I was so touched by this moment. Even In her 80's, she was still so deeply her parents' loving, grateful daughter.

She also talked about her book "Ten Little Caterpillars." During the process of illustrating it, someone in the sales office posed the question, "Don't you think it might be a little too scary for children... with all the caterpillars 'disappearing' like that?"

Lois, in her typical humorous and matter-of-fact fashion, reportedly quipped back, "Oh, I don't think so. I think that children are well-aware that caterpillars lead a precarious existence."

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom was the first book — the first THING — I bought when I learned I was pregnant for the first time. Her work is forever tied with my memories of my own children and motherhood.

Her beautiful work and spirit will forever be a gift to me.

Rest In joy, Lois. I'm sure your parents were so happy to hug you again.

And, thank you for everything.

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