The One and Only Ivan

I’m late to the party. I love the book by @kaaauthor SO MUCH, I was afraid that the movie would be a disappointment. (I mean, how could a movie possibly compete with such a perfect book?!) 🤔 BUT, I loved it. ❤️ It was definitely different than the book, but, honestly, it was thoroughly enjoyable. ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

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Giveaway Closed


This week we're celebrating book birthdays for THREE new books by @AlexWillan and ME! We each have a new picture book, and I have my debut middle grade novel, which Alex illustrated!

To celebrate, a winner will be chosen at random to receive a copy of 🏗️ CONSTRUCTION SITE MISSION: DEMOLITION🏗️, 🦄 UNICORNS ARE THE WORST 🦄, and TWO copies of 🐿️REVVER THE SPEEDWAY SQUIRREL 🐿️ (one for you, one to share). Also, in the spirit of our times, we're including a bottle of unicorn-approved, super-sparkly hand sanitizer.

Enter to win by:
1. Liking this post
2. Following my account
3. Tagging a friend who loves #ChildrensBooks
4. Going to @AlexWillan; find this post.
5. Repeat!

This giveaway is not affiliated with Instagram. Giveaway ends on Saturday, October 3rd, at noon CST. Winners will be announced shortly thereafter. One entry per person. (Sorry; US entries only!)

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Mums the word! 🤗🍂🍁 For the last few years, my awesome neighbor has given me small clumps of the perennial mums from his gardens. Sometimes they take, sometimes not. This year, they are finally showing off.

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Goodbye and Hello!

We lost an old River Birch, after trying for years to save it. I couldn’t stand the empty space, so... voila! 🍂🍁⚱️ (Too much competition for sunlight and water to plant another tree. 😢

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Kenny & The Dragon

Just picked up this book by @diterlizzi for my Little Free KIDS Library. The neighborhood kids will LOVE this sequel to “Kenny & The Dragon” (but, of course, I get to read it first)!

We are big fans of Tony D. in our family since FOREVER. Have you (or your kids) read the Spiderwick Chronicles? If not, you MUST! (And, along with it, you NEED “Arthur Spiderwick’s Field Guide To The Fantastical World Around You.”)

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Novel Neighbor Virtual Author Event

Grab your computer or your tablet or your phone — and join us!

Alex Willan and I will discuss our new picture books: CONSTRUCTION SITE MISSION: DEMOLITION! and UNICORNS ARE THE WORST, respectively. AND we will also talk about our new middle grade collaboration REVVER THE SPEEDWAY SQUIRREL!⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Signed bookplates are available when you order any one of the three featured books through Novel Neighbor.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
This free event will be streamed live to Novel Neighbor’s Facebook and YouTube pages. Registration is recommended but not required. To register for the event and buy the books, visit (clickable link in bio). ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

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The roses are still holding up, but it’s mid-September and they’re on borrowed time. (I know! I should have rolled up the hose!🤷🏻‍♀️)

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Wearing My PJ's!!!

When you look at your watch and you see that, somehow, it’s already 4:15 and you’ve been writing since 9am and you look down and see that, holy crap, you are still wearing your pajamas...

and you’re pretty sure that you have not brushed your teeth yet today, either.

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