So Cute

This work of cinematic art is courtesy of the 18-yo. 🙄 I’m not thrilled that he’s throwing cheese at the dog for sport, but this does accurately depict the lightning-fast reflexes of the family fur baby. 🤦🏻‍♀️

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Harry Potter!

How much do I love that my little nephew picked THIS for book character day? (And kudos to his sweet mom for patiently watching SIX tutorials so she could figure out how to tie that tie!)

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So, the 18-yo, the kid that used to live on cheeseburgers, pasta and grilled cheese, came home with groceries and requested a field greens salad with fruit and crispy goat cheese. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Who are you... and what have you done with my son?! 😳

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New Books for my Little Free Library

These are my newest picture book purchases... After I’ve spent some time with them, they will be added to my Little Free Library. 📚 ❤️ (Not to be braggin’, but my LFL does have a pretty awesome collection — because, you know, I have connections. 😉

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Eating sushi at 10am, because one of my favorite restaurants just happens to be at the airport. 😊 If you have an airport restaurant/meal that you LOVE, please share so I can have the info for my travels. ❤️

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TODAY, finally! The FIRST FLOWERS I’ve spotted here this spring — and, appropriately, at the entrance to church. 🙌🏻💫

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